Pexels Here I will walk through several steps to add a hyperlink to a button in Excel.

Locate the Developer Tab

First, click on the developer tab. If you don’t have the developer tab in your Excel ribbon, you can figure out how to add it here.

Inserting a Button

After the developer tab is visible, click on the insert option, then click the “command button.” This is located in the upper left-hand corner of the active x control section. After the button is selected, drag the cursor with the left mouse button to trace a square or rectangle. This operation will dictate how large your button will appear.

Command Button Selection

Find Button Properties

Right-click on the button and select properties.


Edit Caption

Type what you want to display on the button in the caption section. Then, close out the properties window.

Add Code to the Button

Double-click on the button so that the visual basic window appears and type the following information in that window with no spaces between lines: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink _ Address:=“ End Sub
Note that “CommandButton1” is the name of the object and may be different for you depending on what you name your button. Additionally, you will want to choose the website that you would like to open in the place of Click on the save button and save your workbook as a macro-enabled workbook. Exit the visual basic window.

Visual Basis Application

Get out of Design Mode

Exit the design mode by selecting the design button in the controls section and deselect the button by clicking in any cell. Each time your button is selected your web browser will automatically open to display the web address that was saved in the Visual Basic code.

Save the Workbook as Macro-Enabled

Lastly, After testing the macro, understand that Excel workbooks that contain macros must be saved as macro-enabled workbooks under the file extension .xlsm. If the workbook is not saved under this file extension, the macro that you created will not function at all. To save, select the File tab then Save As. Select the location to save it and create a file name. Next, find the Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook selection from the “Save as type” dropdown followed by clicking the save button. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2019 Joshua Crowder


RJ on August 22, 2020: i follow the Instruction, but nothing happens

Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 86Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 13Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 43Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 9Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 47Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 79Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 71Create a Button in Excel to Follow a Hyperlink - 36