Researchers examined thin sections of very old rocks in Canada and found some unexpected complex structures. The scientists suggest that these structures represent many distinct life forms. Explaining further in this compelling TikTok video is user @astrobiolena.


The research appears in the journal Science Advances, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Papineau et al., 2022). “Whoa, this stuff is so interesting,” comments @timszki. Another commenter, @andreek495, writes, “Fascinating. This should just indicate that life probably started elsewhere just as fast.” A comment from @notthatkindadoctor asks, “Was the Earth cool enough for liquid water at that point? I thought that happened later?” To which the creator of the post offers this reply: “We don’t know for sure but we think it had oceans as far back as 4.2 billion years ago!!” As the commenter above mentioned, one implication of the research for those that study the origin of life on Earth is that if life developed quickly here, it’s possible that it could have developed as quickly on other planets. Stay tuned. We’re following this research and other developments in science and will post more as soon as we get our hands on it.  Recommended for you

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